Popup OnClose Not Firing for X button in Header

I am trying to get an onClose to fire when closing the dialog from the exit button in the top right corner of a popup. I noticed that I am seeing the same incorrect behavior in the Popup Demo (http://demo.aspnetawesome.com/PopupDemo). When you open the dialog and then hit the X, the dialog closes, but nothing is fired. When you open the dialog back up, then the event is fired. Any work around here or am I doing something wrong?
asked at 19 Oct 2015
  • you could workaround by listening to 'dialogclose' event if you're using jQueryUI popup, for bootstrap you could modify awem.js, I may be able to suggest a better solution if I knew what you're trying to do. the .Close extension will be fixed in the next version, atm it's not working properly
    at 19 Oct 2015 Omu
  • Thanks! I can work around it for now. Looking forward to the new version!
    at 19 Oct 2015 Rob


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