Right Popup for CRUD
I am implementing popup CRUD (Create, Edit) . I wanted to open grid's Create and Edit Popups as Right sliding popups.
How can I do this?
I am using ASP.net Core MVC Awesome 6.7 version.
Sam Mosaic
at 24 Dec 2023
There's a demo showing how you can do popup sliding animation using custom js here: https://demo.aspnetawesome.com/PopupDemo#Open-animation You can try using it in your projectOmuanswered at 24 Dec 2023
The link you provided is for those popups which we define using InitPopup(), but I want the grid's default create and edit popups to open as side popup ,sliding from right side. is there any parameter or way that I can provide to this declaration of grid's popups @Html.InitCrudPopupForGrid("TestGrid", "Test",450, 1200)at 24 Dec 2023 Sam Mosaic
at 24 Dec 2023 Omu
is an html helper that you copy from our demo, not part of the dll, you can modify it